The Golborne Guide to pupil equipment and presentation of work
- Pupils must have a pen, pencil, whiteboard, whiteboard pen and ruler on the desk at the start of every lesson.
- Pupils should set out their equipment like a ‘dinner setting’ so that it can be checked quickly by a teacher
- The teacher will check equipment and an O1 will be issued if there is missing items
- Equipment will be available for purchase at Pupil Services
- Equipment will be available to loan in all classrooms
In books:
- Classwork/homework on the left and underlined with a ruler
- Date in words on right and underlined with a ruler
- Then miss one line (to give space), put the title and underline with a ruler
- Errors are to be crossed out with a single line
Parents should encourage pupils to take pride in the presentation when working at home in exercise books by reinforcing these guidelines at home.
Teachers will encourage high standards of presentation from pupils by setting work out in the same format on both the interactive whiteboard and the normal whiteboard. In particular, titles should be underlined with a ruler. This can be done on the first slide of a PowerPoint presentation.