Emergency Closure

Procedures have been put in place to deal with emergency closure of the school, for example, adverse weather conditions.

Any decision to close the school is based on careful risk assessment and the school will only be closed if one or more of the following conditions apply:

  • conditions on site are dangerous;
  • there are insufficient staff able to come in to keep the school running safely;
  • weather conditions are considered to be or are anticipated to later become too hazardous for travel.

We will, of course, make every effort to remain open unless it is unsafe to do so, and school should be regarded as open unless you are advised otherwise.

If the school is to close the closure will be notified to parents via our text messaging service, social media, Edulink app and information posted on the school’s website.  Parents will be provided with updates as they are available.

If the closure relates to adverse weather, in addition to the text and website notification:

  • the Council’s website will include a link to the school website;
  • our telephone answer service will be updated to reflect any changes or updates as soon as practicable;

Council Website

In relation to weather, if conditions deteriorate sufficiently during a school day and a decision is taken to close the school, we will inform you via our text messaging service, social media and Edulink app. No staff will leave school until every child has gone home safely.

The following information relates specifically to closure due to adverse weather conditions:

  1. The school will make all practicable efforts to keep parents informed regarding the school during adverse weather conditions, as we appreciate that such conditions and any uncertainty pose considerable difficulties for our parents. However, parents are expected to check the means of communication and/or make themselves aware of the radio broadcasts, social media posts and Edulink messages when it is clear that closure is a possibility. If the school has to close work will be set for the pupils to complete via the Edulink app. We ask that you ensure that your child works from home and completes the work set.
  2. We do appreciate that, during bad weather, children may arrive later than normal.  Please endeavour to contact the school to advise that they are on their way or likely to be delayed. Additionally, there is a possibility of families not being able to travel, even where the majority of children can get to school. In such instances, we ask that you notify the school as we have a duty to clarify the circumstances of each case to authorise any such absence to the Local Authority. Please ensure that you inform the school of any circumstances that prevent your child from coming into school to avoid this being recorded as an unauthorised absence.
  3. Our main aim is to ensure the safety and well-being of all children, parents, carers and staff. In the event of snow, the main pathways will be cleared and salted/gritted.  Parents, children and visitors are reminded that pathways, even where cleared, can remain dangerous and extreme care must be taken when using these areas.
  4. Children will also be reminded about general safety by their teachers.  At all times during icy/wintry conditions, sensible and suitable footwear should be worn by adults and children to maximise safety when walking.