These awards represent the culture of our school. The values demonstrated in this set of awards exemplifies the golden thread running throughout everything we accomplish as a school and is what makes us so successful.
The awards are presented in the following categories:
After School Engagement; Excellence; Honesty; Outstanding Behaviour; Engagement in Lessons; Politeness; Questioning; Reading; Resilience; Tolerance; Wearing Uniform with Pride
The Golborne Way awards take place twice a year in December and July. Pupils are nominated by their teachers to receive the awards. Parents and Governors are invited to the event to celebrate and support the pupil’s individual success.
Throughout the year The Headteacher meets with pupils to acknowledge their achievements. This is a special event where the pupils are given the opportunity to discuss personal experiences and their successes and allows Mrs Stott to congratulate them personally. They enjoy refreshments including hot chocolate and biscuits. For example, if they have represented school individually or as part of a team, she will personally thank them for their commitment and contribution to Golborne High School. All pupils involved are awarded with a special Headteacher’s badge.
Events include:
• Celebrating individual attendance and punctuality
• Celebrating outstanding and improved attitude to learning
• Celebrate individual and team sporting success both in and outside of school
• Celebrating academic excellence and improved academic progress
Year 7 Inter-House Competition
During the first half term as part of the Year 7 transition programme we run an Inter-House Day. Pupils work together in teams with other members of their House to compete to become House champions. The competition includes problem solving activities linked to Maths and Science, physical activities to include competitive team games and practical challenges and a general knowledge quiz. The aim is to develop communication skills, leadership and teamwork skills and encourages new friendships in the House. Heads of House are there to support and motivate pupils to complete each of the tasks to the best of their ability. The day is invaluable, Heads of House are given the opportunity to get to know the pupils and they begin to establish relationships that will last for many years. The Heads of House are very competitive. Each activity carries points and pupils are also awarded bonus points for demonstrating values linked to the Golborne Way throughout the day. The event is followed by an assembly to reveal the winning House. Pupils are presented with participation certificates and the overall House champions are awarded House achievement cup badges.
Year 7 Review and Celebration Evening
Golborne High School Year 7 Review and Celebration Evening takes place in January. During the evening, parents meet with form tutors to discuss how their child has settled into life at Golborne High. Tutors provide information linked to attendance and punctuality, academic progress, achievement and conduct.
Prior to the evening teachers from all subject areas nominate pupils from their Year 7 classes to be recognised for their ATL attitude to learning, for the quality of classwork, pupils who have shown improvement and in turn they have made further academic progress.
During the evening, pupils are awarded with subject certificates and receive a certificate and badge if they have achieved 100% attendance and punctuality for the Autumn Term, all of which are presented by the Senior Leadership Team.
Year 11 Route to Success
The Year 11 pupils designed this year’s logo to represent their route to success during the final academic year with us. It is important for the Year 11’s to feel motivated and focused during the lead up to their final exams and together they are on the same journey. The aim of linking each milestone to the Route to Success is used to motivate them and in turn allows pupils to develop a stronger connection with each other whilst establishing a sense of pride in their year group and for the journey ahead.
On the journey there are many opportunities to reward positive attitudes to learning, improved progress and to mark the completion of key moments and events during Year 11.
Year 11 Rewards
Achievement Points
Pupils receive achievement points from Teachers, Tutors and Heads of House. They are awarded in line with our high expectations and standards. To recognise and celebrate individual success celebration assemblies are held throughout the academic year to award the pupils with certificates and achievement badges.
Tutor Rewards
There are lots of opportunities during personal tutor time where pupils can be rewarded. Tutors select one pupil each week to be awarded ‘Star of the week’ this carries 5 achievement points and is awarded for their contributions during personal tutor time. Tutors will be in regular contact with parents by awarding postcards or by making phone calls home to praise pupils and share individual success.
Attendance and Punctuality
Golborne High School recognises the importance of good attendance and the impact it has on children’s progress, attainment, enjoyment of learning and relationships within school. Good attendance helps children to realise their potential and ensures they are motivated, confident, and able to enjoy a diverse range of curricular opportunities and experiences.
Attendance and punctuality are both recognised and rewarded as an achievement. Pupils who have good attendance and punctuality receive certificates and badges on a termly basis. 5 achievement points are awarded by Tutors on a weekly basis for pupils who have 100% attendance. There is a weekly punctuality prize draw where pupils are rewarded with free snacks from the canteen.
Each week, the school attendance league identifies the winning tutor group who have achieved the highest attendance for the week. The winners celebrate together by being rewarded with toast and milkshake during personal tutor time.
Awards Evening
Awards evening happens in July to recognise and reward pupils for their hard work, achievement and success during the academic year.
Prizes awarded during the evening include:
Subject Awards
Subjects select pupils from each year group and each house. Pupils are chosen for outstanding attitude to learning and for academic progress. The aim is to celebrate as many achievers as possible in each subject area.
House Awards
The awards are to recognise individuals in the following categories: Good Citizen, Highest Achiever and House Sports Personality.
Sports’ Awards and House Colours
These awards are presented in recognition of sporting accomplishments and includes the presentation of half colours (KS3) and full colours (KS4) for representing the school and playing as a team in various sports.
Headteachers Award
The most prestigious award is the Headteacher's Award which is selected based on progress from years 7 to 10 along with other commitments to the school.
Festive Celebrations at Christmas
To celebrate this time of year during the last week of term, we offer our pupils the chance to experience some traditional festivities. We have members of staff sharing their talents by playing Christmas Carols on the yard whilst the catering staff do an amazing job to recreate the sense of a traditional Christmas Market. They offer a range of tasty food and snacks, or the pupils can enjoy a traditional Christmas dinner with all the trimmings in the canteen.
Educational Trips and Visits
Educational trips and visits allow for improvements to personal and social skills and academic achievement, and for the chance to increase understanding of subjects.
They are an essential part of the school experience for pupils. They provide an opportunity for pupils to learn outside the classroom and help to increase confidence and encourage personal development.
Not only do school trips encourage pupils to learn outside of the classroom, but they also allow children to socialise with peers in a different way than within day-to-day school. It gives pupils an opportunity to visit places they otherwise may not experience.
At Golborne High School pupils are offered the opportunity to attend trips to support learning in the classroom through visits to the theatre, museums and local landmarks.
In recent years pupils have visited New York, Skiing in Italy and Austria, the Belgium Battlefields trip and Iceland.
Golborne Away Days
The ‘Golborne Away Day’ trips take place twice a year. This includes the annual whole school trip to Alton Towers and Chester Zoo.
Pupils also have the opportunity to attend Tenpin Bowling and Laser Quest Trips during the Autumn Term.
To attend school trips pupils must consistently demonstrate The Golborne Way and adhere to a set criterion in line with schools’ expectations and standards.