
Year 9 Options Evening is taking place on Thursday 13th March 2025 and all options choices must be submitted by Thursday 3rd April 2025.

Pupils choose their Options at the end of Year 9, and begin all their examined courses as part of the Key Stage 4 curriculum in Year 10. 

All pupils take GCSEs in Mathematics, English Literature, English Language, Combined (or separate) Sciences and at least one of the Humanities (History and Geography). The majority of pupils are expected to continue with the Modern Foreign Language they have been studying at Key Stage 3. 

During Key Stage 3, pupils study the full suite of subjects on the National Curriculum and are also exposed to a number of non-statutory subjects such as Drama, Photography and Enterprise, in order that they are well-prepared to make the decisions that face them in Year 9.

The other options available, include a wide range of creative, practical and academic GCSEs and a suite of Vocational Qualifications, which are open to all pupils.

The presentation delivered by Mrs Whitaker and Mr Hughes, during the Options Evening on Thursday 13th March, explains the options process for 2025 and provides some guidance to both parents/carers and pupils. Please note that the options process for 2025 has changed from previous years.


Options 1


Please also find below a link to the Options Information booklet, which includes further guidance on our EBacc curriculum, the differences between GCSE and Vocational qualifications, in addition to individual subject guidance for all the qualifications available to your child. This information relates to our current Year 9 pupils, who will sit their Year 11 examinations in 2027.


Options 2

Click here to view the full list of qualifications currently taught at KS4.

Subject areas make recommendations on which subjects may be best suited to each child, based on their progress at KS3, but we do not limit any child’s access to particular qualifications as a matter of principle. We encourage pupils to consider a Vocational Qualification as part of their options, as we recognise the contribution these subjects make to preparing pupils for a future in which they can apply their learning in the workplace.

Through an individual meeting for your child with their “options adviser”, we ensure that every child is offered a set of Options that will give them access to aspirational Post-16 opportunities. We know that some pupils will aspire to Further Education at the country’s top universities, others will complete Technical Levels and others may favour Apprenticeships and employment. Whatever your child’s aspirations, their options will provide them with the right combination of subjects to open these doors. 

Should you require more information on the Options process, please contact Mr J Hughes (Senior Assistant Headteacher).

The link below will take you to a set of videos that explain each of the 2025 Options in more detail.

Click here for a comprehensive overview of all available subject options