Higher Achieving Pupils

At Golborne High School we acknowledge that all able children and young people, regardless of background, should be recognised and have opportunities to realise their full potential. Our motto states that: Golborne High School is a learning community where all pupils believe they can achieve. High proportions of our students have been identified as highly able and as a school community we are committed to providing opportunities within, across and beyond the curriculum to serve the full development of their talents, leading to excellence in achievement.

Our aims:

Culture and ethos of ALL students should aim for excellence 

Habits are centred around high expectations and achievement

All learners are challenged through a rigorous, rich and stimulating curriculum

Leadership opportunities are provided at all given opportunities to develop the skills of Most Able and Talented students

Learning is focused on high attainment, aspirational goals and self belief

Enriching opportunities through a wider curriculum to give students the opportunity to perform at the highest level

No holding back! Effective challenge in the classroom for all learners through a ‘teaching to the top’ ethos and approach.

Guidance is clear on pedagogical research and strategies so that challenge permeates from the start to the end of every lesson.

Evaluating the effectiveness of the Most Able and Talented provision through systematic data, assessment and stakeholder information and the regular reviewing of the policy


How we identify our students:

Once our students are identified, a central record of our Most Able students will be maintained, enabling all staff to consider strategies to support, stretch and challenge these students which will, in turn, raise achievement for all. This record of ability will form part of our current tracking of assessment and achievement data and the DDT cycle.

There are three categories of Most Able students that we will identify:

Exceptionally Able students are identified on a school basis using external data: CATs, Combined KS2 Scores and GCSE target grades. Golborne Exceptionally Able are those with a mean fine scaled score of 110 or more and/or a CAT score of 115 or more. Students identified as exceptionally able will be tracked to ensure they meet their potential and are extended as appropriate across KS3 and KS4.

Subject Able students are identified at subject level using criteria defined at department level. This could be students who are performing exceptionally well, and above expected progress in a particular subject, but not necessarily identified as an exceptionally able student through the criteria above.

Talented students are identified for skills outside the school and curriculum, they may have an additional language, perform at a regional or national level in a key skill or a high level of sporting or musical ability. These students will be put forward for recognition by subject teachers and other stakeholders.



  • All stakeholders uphold an ethos of high expectations and challenge for all- not to aim to pass, but to aim to excel!
  • Stronger identification and signposting of Most Able students particularly those who are PP, with regular updates for staff and monitoring of progress of Most Able and Talented students from the start of KS3 to the end of KS4
  • Aspirational target setting to ensure that pupils are achieving ambitious end points.
  • A world class curriculum that allows opportunities for subject experts to teach to the top to extend and cognitively challenge all our students appropriately. The curriculum is adapted as appropriate for the exceptionally able students so that they still experience desirable difficulties.  
  • Schemes of learning and curriculum documents reflect the individual subject criterion to articulate high expectations and challenge for all
  • Focus on high quality teaching through the work of the Lead Practitioners and subject specialists.
  • Providing teachers with high quality CPD supporting the delivery of a challenging and enriching education
  • Wider curriculum opportunities and mentoring schemes that go beyond the classroom, with the recognition that ability can be revealed in many areas of school life and not only in traditional academic subjects.
  • High quality transition between key stages 3, 4 and 5
  • Work closely with post-16 providers and business partners to ensure that Most Able and Talented students have clear pathways and aspirations, alongside the Executive Leader
  • Bespoke events and encounters with employers for ALL year groups, FE and HE for HAP students planned by all departments throughout the year through the post-16 provision and Executive Leader
  • Development of the academic and mental resilience of the Most Able and Talented students so that they can achieve their aspirational goals despite potential barriers
  • Bespoke mentoring for HAP pupils in year 11 tutor groups, supporting the aspirations agenda


Religious Studies



Modern Foreign Languages 




Creative Arts

Physical Education

Information Technology